Ensure IVF Success
Nowadays, infertility rate among many couples has become so rampant due to various reasons. Such people who are affected by this are trying very hard to look for some IVF tips while thinking if they should go for the IVF. This in full means In Vitro Fertilization. IVF is a great method that assists in production whereby the female’s egg and the male’s sperm are fused in the laboratory dish in order for fertilization to take place. Each try is known as cycle and each cycle usually creates 5-12 embryos. The medical professionals use the “good embryos” and choose the ones which appears to grow more aggressively compared to the others.
However, to ensure for IVF Success, one must do some things. The following is what you should do or don’t so as to make sure that everything will be successful. The first one is that you should avoid eating junk food. You should try to eat a balanced diet prior you start the IVF procedure. You should also try to do some exercises in moderation. When your body will be in the optimum level, the body shall be capable to respond very well during the IVF procedure. You should avoid the caffeine or else reduce the amount you usually take per day. You are also supposed to stop smoking and avoid alcohol.
The next thing that you should do is to consume less fishes since they are high in mercury. This is because mercury can affect the IVF success rates which would be very bad for you. Still you should always ensure that you are not lifting something very heavy. Some doctors even recommend for anything that is between 2 to 10 pounds. This is because if you over-exert your body, the IVF will not be very successful. You should also avoid stressing up since you will be spending so much for the IVF procedure. You may practice some relaxation techniques such as meditation, acupuncture, yoga postures or breathing exercises. All this will help to improve the fertility.
Generally, what is very essential is to always do what you enjoy as well as helps you to relax. Some of the researches even suggest that one should lower the stress levels so as to improve the IVF success rates. Taking a rest is also very important even prior transfer. This is because all the developing eggs will be taking up much space as well as energy. Lastly, you should begin taking a prenatal vitamin before your cycle. You may take a minimum of 400 mcg of folic acid per day for a period of 3 months before the conception occurs. This helps to reduce the neural defects like spina bifida. In fact, the FDA suggests that you take 800 mcg during pregnancy. It is therefore very important that you look for the prenatal with such amount.
In conclusion, always ensure that you implement the correct adjustments prior and after the IVF procedure. This will improve your chances for conceiving and having a good healthy. You should always follow the above instructions and surely you will be successful.